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Silhouette Soft Threadlift for Face and Neck

A non-surgical facelift alternative, targeting areas like eyebrows, cheeks, and jawline, with PLLA threads that enhance skin's fullness and youthfulness.

Silhouette Soft is a minimally invasive outpatient procedure that uses bio-resorbable threads with patented bidirectional cones to redefine the jawline, tighten lax skin, and boost natural collagen production. 

This non-surgical alternative to a facelift or if you arent quite ready for a facelift, effectively targets the face's key areas, including the eyebrows, cheeks, and jawline, as well as the neck. The specially designed cones in the threads distribute lifting force evenly and are available in various lengths, including a 12-cone short suture for precise control in close-range lifts. The threads contain poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), which gradually breaks down, enhancing skin fullness and youthfulness.

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